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onahole holding ring stand/ tripod attachment?

Posted: 2017 Dec 29, 18:17
by gildran
So while I was looking for potentially a new onahole, the question of whether such a tool exists came to mind. I've seen such a device every so often in hentai mangas, but I've never actually seen one from a online store irl. Are these convenient things real or just things that would only work in manga. Googling onahole holder doesn't really give me much. I would have looked through nls, since they have a larger collection, but they closed.

so if anyone has seen such a thing please let me know.

ps. imo, this tool/stand sounds amazing, however, I imagine unless you mounted it onto the ground or gave it some weight, you can potentially just lift it up or knock over the stand.

Re: onahole holding ring stand/ tripod attachment?

Posted: 2017 Dec 31, 05:02
by darkhomer17
Hmm, all I can think about is maybe getting something that can hold it and have the lock on suction cup thing. The automatic onahole toy usually have that suction cup, so you can use it in the shower or desk. It is like this ... B008JGZMZK