Product Wishes?


Product Wishes?

Post by kitamurafan » 2017 May 15, 21:55

Are there any products you wish Toys Heart or others made? Or perhaps other fetishes they would market to?

I'm a fan of muscular women and wish there were more products targeted to that. I've seen only 3 onaholes featuring muscular women and two of them looked hideous! I'd never buy them. I can't think of many products now. But perhaps an onahole with Toys Heart's great interior but a muscle girl exterior would be nice. Or a device that simulated getting your dick massaged by a bicep. I'd even settle for a regular onahole whose artwork featured muscular women, like a gymnast or swimmer or something.

Yesterday I emailed Toys Heart and suggested they market some stuff towards my fetish. I received a nice email back from a guy named Toby who said he's forward my opinion to the development department. I'm not expecting anything will happen but I think if enough customers ask for a certain product they might develop it.

Maybe I'll email Magic Eyes next. :D

I'd love to read your thoughts on products you wish were on the market or certain areas of interest you wish were catered to more.

Posts: 7
Joined: 2018 Nov 23, 06:27

Re: Product Wishes?

Post by Ronin94 » 2018 Dec 03, 20:52

One thing I have been totally unable to find is a tonguejob onahole. I know that orals are somewhat newer but I would really like to find one and for those that would like to know what a tonguejob is here is a NSFW link. Would be nice to find due to the impossible nature of the fetish.
