First I'm new to this forum, hello.
I have the usual history, used cheap items in the past, used and got bored with Fleshlights, then I found Japanese Onaholes!
My first one was the Sujiman Kupa Cocolo by Magic Eyes, it was good enough to get me interested in onaholes but it could have been better, my biggest complaint was its depth, but the Cocolo got put aside with new ones being tried, I tore through a couple of Moe Body's until the last Black Friday sale when I picked up a Monster Wet Kiwami, man what a difference it made to be able to comfortably fit inside without any problem with depth!
Made my little Cocolo kinda feeling like a cheap toy, so I got the bright idea to mod the hell out of it, so I did.
At this time I would like to add that I'm a highly skilled individual, and I amassed a lot of practice by attempting to save some of the Moe Body's Internal Structure's that just were tore up inside (I didn't fit very well).
What I ended doing is:
Deepening the main orifice, I used a 35 watt soldering iron with a bulb tip to melt out and deepen the canal, leaving the opening somewhat smaller than the main diameter the depth went about to the nipples. This was a very " seat of the pants moment" that I would not recommend someone try, it can be very dangerous if there is moisture inside! ( imagine molten onahole splattered on your face and eyes!)
Added extremely long pussy lips, using now a 12 watt soldering pencil I took scraps from the Internal structure Moe Body's that I have, and using pink pieces I grafted some incredibly long lips with a clit that pokes out! The low heat of the 12 watt iron made this very easy.
Added bigger and colored nipples, Using again the 12 watt iron, I added some pink drops to the nipples, first by melting straight into the existing ones making kind of a mini volcano, then melting in drops of pink material. Interesting was that apparently melting very small amounts made the pink turn brown adding to the realism!
Disabled the valve gimmik, this thing is now basicly a very large onahole, you squeeze the air out and then insert yourself, the vacuume is very substantial, so I had to seal off this feature.
I'll post pics of it if I can, but I didn't expect to have such success with this mod, it feels now better than anything I've tried so far, I'm so glad I just went for it!
Magic Eyes Cocolo Major Modification
Re: Magic Eyes Cocolo Major Modification
Have you ever thought about adding legs and an upper body including a head? I was thinking about buying one of these and toying with the idea of modding it to a full body. Not sure how yet, or even if it's possible.
Re: Magic Eyes Cocolo Major Modification
Yes I have, but I would never really try though because I would never get it to look as good as the box art, the face on the box is super cute !!!